Zoning Board of Appeals
The Board has 7 members with staggered 5-year terms.
The Zoning Board of Appeals is required by Illinois State Statute. The Board acts on requests for zoning changes and appeals on zoning matters. Their decisions are recommendations to the City Council, which upholds or denies the Boards recommendations.
The Board meets, as needed, at City Hall, 210 W. Railroad Street, Illinois.
E-mail: zoningboard@earlvilleil.org
Board Members
Name Phone Number Term Expires
Bob Atherton 815-246-7035 7/23/2025
Sandra Kozlowski 815-481-3656 7/23/2025
Roger Keller 815-246-4463 7/23/2029
Lisa Roling 815-343-9076 7/23/2029
Dawn Osborne 815-354-7059 7/23/2028
Mary Bender 815-246-9676 7/23/2027
Bruce Bauer, Chairman 815-246-4192 7/23/2026